Turkish scholarship ترکش سکالر شپ

The Turkish Scholarship Authority, YTB, has announced the opening of registration for scholarships for the academic year 2023   The application date for undergraduate and postgraduate students will start from 01/10/2023 until 02/20/2023, through the website of the Turkish Scholarship Authority, by filling in the information and downloading the required documents via the following website: Submission link 🛑  نے ترکش سکالر شپ برائے  2023 کیلئے اعلان کردیا ہے۔ درج ذیل لنک سے قدم بقدم اپلائی کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ YTB  https://tbbs.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/ Important links for those wishing to apply for Turkish scholarships: ⭕ Link to apply for the Turkish scholarship: https://tbbs.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr ⭕ Guide to applying for Turkish scholarships: اپلائی کیسے کریں؟  اس لنک پہ لنک کریں  https://drive.google.com/file/d/120aSAGiQlWc5ZQdvTzARH5SCM9I-iBY5/view?usp=drivesdk ⭕Letter of Intent Guide for Turkish Scholarships:  اظہارِ دلچسپی کی درخواست   https://drive...

Mother's day!

Early In the morning, someone texted me: dear Mufti,

Is it permissible to celebrate Mother's Day?

I couldn't answer his  question because my tongue was silent,

but my eyes began to speak. Why?

I remembered my poor mother, who had blisters on her hands after spending a long day working in the fields, but she would lovingly fondling my face and saying:

My dream is to teach you up to 10th class (in our village, at that time, a 10th grader was considered educated).

And my illiterate father who would break stones all day and return home in the evening, his fingers would be bleeding.

 Whenever I would write a fatwa or an article and give it to father, he would look at it carefully and say innocently, "Do you make books?"

My father does not know that a book is written, is not made.  

Then he would look at the small font size and say: Don't write too small, as you did here,  your eyesight will be weaken!( as he wouldn't distinguish between hand writing and compute font size)

Today, even though she is physically distant from me, but every day, every night, even every moment of my life is Mother's Day, and fathers'day! 

There is a couplet in Persian

ای خواجه چه جویی ز شب قدر نشانی

هر شب شب قدر است اگر قدر بدانی

What will you do with the sign of the Night of  Qadar(  most often 27 th Ramdan)

If you could know the value, then every night is the night of Qadar!

A big salute to all the great moms who, like my mother, sacrificed their present,  for the sake of their children's' future!


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