Turkish scholarship ترکش سکالر شپ

The Turkish Scholarship Authority, YTB, has announced the opening of registration for scholarships for the academic year 2023   The application date for undergraduate and postgraduate students will start from 01/10/2023 until 02/20/2023, through the website of the Turkish Scholarship Authority, by filling in the information and downloading the required documents via the following website: Submission link 🛑  نے ترکش سکالر شپ برائے  2023 کیلئے اعلان کردیا ہے۔ درج ذیل لنک سے قدم بقدم اپلائی کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ YTB  https://tbbs.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/ Important links for those wishing to apply for Turkish scholarships: ⭕ Link to apply for the Turkish scholarship: https://tbbs.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr ⭕ Guide to applying for Turkish scholarships: اپلائی کیسے کریں؟  اس لنک پہ لنک کریں  https://drive.google.com/file/d/120aSAGiQlWc5ZQdvTzARH5SCM9I-iBY5/view?usp=drivesdk ⭕Letter of Intent Guide for Turkish Scholarships:  اظہارِ دلچسپی کی درخواست   https://drive...

Share of widow, a daughter & a son (Islamic law of succession)

 Dear Mufti sab 

Asslam o alakum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh

hope you are doing great.

Dear sir, I have a personal question regarding the Islamic law of succession. 

         It has been a while since we lost one of our beloved friends - May Allah rest his soul in eternal peace-  the late friend is  survived by a widow, a son, and, a daughter. 

the whole property he has left is a plot, which will be worth around 4 million Pkr

How will this amount be distributed among the heirs in the light of the Quran and Sunnah?

Thank you so much 


Muhammad Asad, Oman

الجواب حامدا و مصليا ومسلما

        According to the Sharia Law of Succession, the Deceased's total (movable & immovable) property is subject to the following three successive rights before it is distributed among his/her heirs, as follows:

1. Deceased's funeral and burial expenses will be paid(from the total estate)

2. The debt/s (If any) will be paid.

3. The bequest (If any)will be executed up to 1/3 ) (Any bequest exceeding the limit of one-third Will not come into effect unless the heirs of the legator give their consent to it.)

        After that, all the remaining (movable and immovable) property of the deceased will be divided into twenty-four (24) shares, and distributed among the heirs as follows; 

1. The widow will accumulate 3 shares. (RS. 320,000 pkr out of 4 million)

2. The daughter will receive 7 shares and,(RS. 1,226,666.67pkr)

3. The son will collect 14 shares(RS.2,453,333.33pkr) as per the Quranic canon '' The male is like the luck of the two females.

 The percentages of shares of heirs are as below: 

12.5% for the widow

The daughter will get 29.16%. and, 

58.33% goes to the son. 

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) knows Best 

(Mufti) Muhammad Nazir khan.

(Certified Shari’ah Advisor and Auditor (CSAA) (AAOIFI)

Member of the Fatwa Council (Pvt)  in eastern Turkey and Lecturer of Islamic studies at Istanbul  American School & college, Turkey


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