Turkish scholarship ترکش سکالر شپ
The Turkish Scholarship Authority, YTB, has announced the opening of registration for scholarships for the academic year 2023 The application date for undergraduate and postgraduate students will start from 01/10/2023 until 02/20/2023, through the website of the Turkish Scholarship Authority, by filling in the information and downloading the required documents via the following website: Submission link 🛑 نے ترکش سکالر شپ برائے 2023 کیلئے اعلان کردیا ہے۔ درج ذیل لنک سے قدم بقدم اپلائی کیا جاسکتا ہے۔ YTB https://tbbs.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr/ Important links for those wishing to apply for Turkish scholarships: ⭕ Link to apply for the Turkish scholarship: https://tbbs.turkiyeburslari.gov.tr ⭕ Guide to applying for Turkish scholarships: اپلائی کیسے کریں؟ اس لنک پہ لنک کریں https://drive.google.com/file/d/120aSAGiQlWc5ZQdvTzARH5SCM9I-iBY5/view?usp=drivesdk ⭕Letter of Intent Guide for Turkish Scholarships: اظہارِ دلچسپی کی درخواست https://drive...
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